The meeting will be held on Friday, 15 March 2002 at the
Max Planck
Institute for Gravitational Physics / Albert Einstein Institute
in Golm near Potsdam. The institute can
be easily reached from Berlin via public transport or car. Please check
our institute's
homepage for maps and information how to reach the institute from
several destinations in Berlin.
Accomodation can be arranged in a hotel nearby, within walking distance
from the institute (singles 62 Euro, doubles 86 Euro). Since the
reservation needs to be made very soon, please let me know how many
people are attending from your node, indicating day of arrival and day
of departure. A copy of this message should be sent to
Mrs. Ute
Schlichting, who is taking care of the
reservations. However, if you prefer to organize a stay in Berlin, you
may want to refer to one of the following links
This is the current tentative agenda:
9:25 |
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9:30 |
Welcome. |
9:30 |
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11:00 |
Short presentation of the partners (15 m. each). |
11:00 |
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11:30 |
Coffee break. |
11:30 |
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11:40 |
Consortium Agreement. |
11:40 |
- |
12:10 |
Project Roles and Bodies. |
12:10 |
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12:30 |
Scheduling and location of the meetings. |
12:30 |
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14:00 |
Lunch. |
14:00 |
- |
15:30 |
Deliverables for the first six months. |
15:30 |
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16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 |
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17:00 |
MOWGLI web site (demo and discussion) |
This is a brief explanation of some of the topics we should discuss:
- short presentation of the partners
(15 m. each).
Consortium Agreement.
I will send you a draft asap, and we may
discuss possible amendments by email; it would be nice to have it
signed for the kick-off.
This point should take almost no time, unless there are major
issue - e.g on copyrights or background proprietary technologies
which have not been solved by email)
Project Roles and Bodies.
We should define
- Roles:
- Project Manager (that should be Prof. Andrea Asperti)
- Eploitation and Dissemination Manager (that should be Bernd)
- Work-package leaders (the leader should belong to the site
responsible of the Work-package)
- Bodies:
- Project Coordination Committee (PCC) one for each site + the
Project Manager (and the EDM ?)
- Project Dissemination Board
one for each site + the EDM (and the PM?)
- Workpackage teams (even for WP0)
We can fix all the roles by email, if you agree. We shall set
up specialized mailing lists for each body (if required).
Of course the roles may largely overlap, but in any case we need
people who can promtly react. You may already start sending me the
relevant information (comprising email, telephone, etc.).
Scheduling and location of the first
and the second meeting.
The second meeting (and annual review) should be in Bologna
from February 19 to February 20 (just after MKM 2003).
Since KUN is responsible for WP1, I would suggest to do the
first meeting in Nijmegen (july/august)
Deliverables for the first six
We have three kinds of deliverables:
1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 2.a (1.3 should be ready at month 3).
The only software here is the exportation module 2.a (that will
require some joint effort between Bologna and Rocquencourt and
a sufficiently stable version of COQ). This is a point to be
discussed in the kick-off.
0.a (self assesment parameters and criteria)
7.a (Dissemination and use plan).
I would expect each site responsible for the deliverable suggest
a procedure and a precise scheduling for collecting material,
distributing the work and preparing the draft.
The draft should be ready some time (15 days?) before the deadline,
to get approval by the PCC.
We should also probably agree on the format of these deliverables
(e.g. LaTeX).
Any other technical issue relative to the preparation of these
deliverables should be discussed during the Kick-off.
MOWGLI web site.
We are setting up the MOWGLI web site and a CVS repository.
We plan to have a first prototype for the kick-off, and we may discuss
its design and functionalities there. We could possibly need a few
administrative document to grant you an access to the CVS repository
(we have to check).
Full network access is provided, as well as the usual presentation
facilities (Video Projector, Overhead projector).
For further informations on the organization, please contact
Christina Weyher.
For further informations on the agenda, please contact
Prof. Andrea Asperti.