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Prof. Bernd Wegner

  • Full Professor of Mathematics
  • Editor-in-chief of Zentralblatt MATH, the most comprehensive literature information service in mathematics, with Web access under EMIS
  • Member of the advisory board for MATHDI, an information data base on education in mathematics
  • Scientific Coordinator of EMIS, the European Mathematical Information Service, providing a mathematics portal with an electronic library as the main conten
  • Leader of the TU-group for the EULER-project, which has developed a prototype for an integrated access to Web-based mathematical documents, funded by Telematics for Libraries, and supported by a small TAKEUP-project for the transition to a regular Web service
  • Scientific Director of the LIMES-project (Large Infrastructures in Mathematics - Enhanced Services) which is designed to transform Zentralblatt MATH into European cooperation with Web-based input structures, funded by the Fifth Framework Programme
  • Director of the ERAM-project (Electronic Research Archive in Mathematics),funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and designed to build up a digital archive of classical mathematics, capturing the Jahrbuch ueber die Fortschritte in database as a pre-Zentalblatt access facility to the archive
  • Chairman of the Electronic Publishing Committee of EMS (European Mathematical Society)
  • member of the Database Committee of the EMS
  • associated with project Euclid (Cornell University, Ithaka, U.S.A.), establishing a non-profit (electronic) publication facility for mathematics
  • member of the board of IWI (Institute for Scientific Information in Osnabrueck)
  • Exploitation Manager of the European IST Project MOWGLI

e-mail: wegner at math dot TU-Berlin dot DE

Home Page: http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/people/wegner.html

Short Curriculum Vitae:

He has participated with one or more talks at about 20 events on electronic information and communication in 2000, including continental congresses in Lisbon, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Havanna, Moscow, and Manila. He has been elected as member of the scientific committee for several conferences on the subject in 2001: (Crimea, Athens, Coimbra, Linz, Guatemala City) and received invitations for plenary lectures at additional conferences.

These activities give an excellent background to organise the information dissemination and exploitation activities for the project.

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Last updated Fri Feb 2 17:12:22 CET 2007.
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