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Dominique Bolignano

  • Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Trusted Logic
  • Part-time Full Professor at the Université Paris-Dauphine

e-mail: mowgli at trusted-logic dot fr

Short Curriculum Vitae:

Dominique Bolignano is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Trusted Logic. He also teaches security and languages as a part-time full professor (Professeur Associé) at the Université Paris-Dauphine. From 1996 to 1999, Dominique Bolignano worked with Dyade, a joint venture between Bull and INRIA (French National Research Institute in Computer Science and Control), as Director, Responsible for technology transfer in security, electronic commerce, and smart cards, and Project Director in the following areas : formal verification of electronic commerce protocols (and more generally cryptographic protocols), evaluation or design of security architectures (mainly for secure embedded systems, such as smart cards, payment terminals, GSM phones, etc.), development of highly secure Java Virtual Machines (Bull Odyssey JavaCard, payment terminals), formal methods for ITSEC and Common Criteria security evaluations (participation to various security evaluations including some on smart cards operating systems). Before that, Dominique Bolignano was the head of a research group in the Corporate Research Centre of Bull and he has acquired, from 1982 to 1996, a deep experience in industry software development and formal verification systems (distributed systems, security protocols). Dominique Bolignano takes part in the Java Card Forum. He also is a Member of the newly created IFIP Working group on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design. He has been an invited speaker at MFPS'98, CAV'99, CARI'98, CIRM'98, JFMM'98, RTCS'96, Cartier'96, FemSys'97, and to many security or formal methods symposia and presented invited tutorials at Forte'98, Cartier'96, Forte'93. Dominique Bolignano also acted as a PhD advisor, as a reviewer and evaluator for European Community programs. He is a reviewer in several journals (Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), TSI, ...) and has been a reviewer and/or a member of the Program Committee in international conferences (SESS'93, FME'96,VDM 91 et FORTE 92, SaS'94, ...)

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Last updated Fri Feb 2 17:12:23 CET 2007.
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